hoopoo 相关例句
Hoodt-hoodt or the Hoopoo bird : a story of Ancient EgyptKinetic modeling of uranium permeation across a supported liquid membrane employing dinonyl phenyl phosphoric acid (DNPPA) as the ca...Chiral monophorous ligands derived from BINOL for asymmetric hydrogenation of α-dehydroamino acid derivatives노향림시에 나타난 섬과 바다의 공간의식Jordanova křivka a její využitíMulticolor, One- and Two-Photon Imaging of Enzymatic Activities in Live Cells with Fluorescently Quenched Activity-Based Probes (qAB...The Effect of Hula-hoop Exercise on Body Composition and Physical Fitness of Obese WomenThe yield and post-yield behavior of high-density polyethyleneWavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia?Numerical simulations of fast crack growth in brittle solids