英:[hərəpɪ'leɪʃn] 美: [hərəpɪ'leɪʃn]
horripilation 基本解释
n.reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation同义词:pilomotor reflexgoosefleshgoose bumpgoosebumpgoose pimplegoose skin
horripilation 相关例句
horripilationhorripilationPieter R. Adriaens, « Des observations à vous faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête : L’horripilation et la folie selon Darwin e...LE THEATRE DU GRAND-GUIGNOL DE PARIS: THEATRE OF TERROR, SHRIEKS AND HORRIPILATIONDissertatio inauguralis medica exhibens nonnulla de horripilatione idiopathica ...THE HYPOTHALAMUS AND AFFECTIVE BEHAVIOR IN CATS: A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF EXPERIMENTAL LESIONS, WITH ANATOMIC CORRELATIONSUse of acetyl L-carnitine for the treatment of fibromyalgic syndromeComparative cold responses of men and women to external and internal cold stimuliCosmetic and cognitive outcomes of positional plagiocephaly treatmentCytophotometric assessment of T-2 toxin induced alterations in azure B-RNA and Coomassie-protein in supraoptic-magnocellular neurons...