hors 相关例句
- The cowboy is gunning for the man who stole his hors.
Investigation into the use of narcotic antagonists in the treatment of a stereotypic behavior pattern (crib-biting) in the horse.Evaluation of the analgesic effects of epidurally administered morphine, alfentanil, butorphanol, tramadol, and U50488H in horses.Seasonal Change in Abundance of Large Nocturnal Dung Beetles (Scarabaeidae) in a Costa Rican Deciduous Forest and Adjacent Horse Pas...The central projections of trigeminal primary afferent neurons in the cat as determined by the tranganglionic transport of horseradi...Segmental distribution and central projections of renal afferent fibers in the cat studied by transganglionic transport of horseradi...Relations between cell body size, axon diameter and axon conduction velocity of cat sciatic alpha-motoneurons stained with horseradi...A quantitative light microscopic study of the dendrites of cat spinal gamma -motoneurons after intracellular staining with horseradi...Evidence for a free radical mechanism of styrene-glutathione conjugate formation catalyzed by prostaglandin H synthase and horseradi...Distribution of carotid sinus nerve afferent fibers to solitary tract nuclei of the cat using transganglionic transport of horseradi...Hydrogen peroxide and ß-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide sensing amperometric electrodes based on electrical connection of horsera...