houmous 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- What is the main ingredient in Houmous?
La «guerre du houmous»Houmous Taken off the Shelves in Salmonella ScareGo: Cinema: A Big Sense of HoumousHoumous gets toppings.(Sabra Salads' Mediterranean Choice line)(Brief Article)Le houmous et le bio en Israël: comment un plat national devient cosmopoliteLe houmous et le bio en Isra毛l聽: comment un plat national devient cosmopoliteJerusalem - Where Even Houmous Is a Religion; Carol Drinkwater Plunges into the Fantastic but Confusing Holy CityFormulation de houmous pour accroître la biodisponibilité du fer et développement de techniques analytiques d'évaluation du fer ...Dippy about Houmous; Thirty Years Ago, No Shops Stocked It. Now Tesco Alone Sells 30 Million Pots a Year -- and You Can Even Get Chi...Emilia Fox Interview: Vic and I Had Food Fetishes.We Lived on a Weird Diet of Cheese, Crisps and Garlicky Houmous; Emilia Fox Reveal...