household expenses 相关例句
- I disputed with my wife on household expenses.
[Household expenses]Household-expense-recording apparatusThe elimination of healthcare user fees for children under five substantially alleviates the burden on household expenses in Burkina...On The Role of the Extended Family in Helping to Pay for the Household Expenses of Unmarried Older Women (60+) in Latin America and ...Patterns of Income and Household Expenses Arrangements and Determinants Within Dual-Income FamiliesManaging your household expenses in tough economic timesSYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR SECURE HOUSEHOLD-EXPENSE PREDICTIONPrevalence, Drinking Behavior and Household Expenses of Alcohol Drinking of the Population in Tambon Rainoi, Muang District, Ubon Ra...The Influence of Employment Rate and Unemployment Benefits on Household ExpensesSNAP(ed): The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Household Expense Calculation and the Adequacy of Benefits