Hurr 相关例句
Al-Hilli大豆蛋白,植酸盐与人体铁吸收Annular-flow nozzles for solid-propellant rockets. Annual report for the period December 1961--November 1962Sequential loss of heterozygosity at microsatellite motifs in preinvasive and invasive head and neck squamous carcinoma.Deletion mapping of chromosome 4 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Evidence for the recent dispersal of Sophora (Leguminosae) around the Southern Oceans: molecular dataMicrosatellite instability in preinvasive and invasive head and neck squamous carcinoma.Deletion mapping of chromsome 4 in head and neck squamous cell carcinomaCam mechanismsDelay of tomato fruit ripening in response to 1-methylcyclopropene is influenced by internal ethylene levels.