英:[haɪ'i:nə] 美: [haɪˈinə]
hyena 基本解释
hyena[ hai'i:nə ]
n.doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion同义词:hyaena
hyena 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- On the way, we see the carcass of a dead hyena wedged high in a tree.
在路上,我们看到一只死土狼高高挂在树上。 - African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.
Distinguishing Hyena from Hominid Bone AccumulationsCorporate makeovers: Can a hyena be rebranded?The giant hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris : Modelling the bone-cracking behavior of an extinct carnivorePollen Analysis of Hyena Coprolites and Sediments from Equus Cave, Taung, Southern Kalahari (South Africa)HYPERTENSION AND EXPOSURE TO NOISE NEAR AIRPORTS-THE HYENA PROJECT: ISEE-390.Hyena scavenging behavior and its implications for the interpretation of faunal assemblages from FLK 22 (the zinj floor) at olduvai ...Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports (HYENA): Study Design and Noise Exposure AssessmentPatterns of relatedness and parentage in an asocial, polyandrous striped hyena populationThe interrelationships of chromosome banding patterns in canids, mustelids, hyena, and felidsWurster-Hill DH, Centerwall WR. The interrelationships of chromosome banding patterns in canids, mustelids, hyena, and felids. Cytog...