hyperbolically 相关例句
hyperbolically convex双曲凸函数
hyperbolically minimum-phase双曲极小相位
hyperbolically bounded mean oscillation双曲有界平均振动
hyperbolically harmonic functions双曲调和函数
hyperbolically harmonic function双曲调和函数
Hyperbolically 1-convex functionsHyperbolically imbedded spaces and the big Picard theoremQuasi-convexity of hyperbolically embedded subgroupsHyperbolically embedded subgroups and rotating families in groups acting on hyperbolic spacesInduced quasi-cocycles on groups with hyperbolically embedded subgroupsGeometrical model for mobile radio channel with hyperbolically distributed scatterersGeometrical model for mobile radio channel with hyperbolically distributed scatterersElectrodynamics of Hyperbolically Accelerated Charges: II. Does a Charged Particle with Hyperbolic Motion Radiate?Moduli spaces of holomorphic mappings into hyperbolically imbedded complex spaces and locally symmetric spacesA numerical study of the measurement of elongational viscosity of polymeric fluids in a semihyperbolically converging die