hypernymy 相关例句
hypernymy relation位关系
A large DataBase of hypernymy relations extracted from the WebImproving Hypernymy Detection with an Integrated Path-based and Distributional MethodImproving Hypernymy Detection with an Integrated Path-based and Distributional MethodInclusive yet Selective: Supervised Distributional Hypernymy DetectionClassification-Based Filtering of Semantic Relatedness in Hypernymy ExtractionRelations such as Hypernymy: Identifying and Exploiting Hearst Patterns in Distributional Vectors for Lexical EntailmentRelations such as Hypernymy: Identifying and Exploiting Hearst Patterns in Distributional Vectors for Lexical EntailmentHypernyms under Siege: Linguistically-motivated Artillery for Hypernymy DetectionHypernyms under Siege: Linguistically-motivated Artillery for Hypernymy DetectionUsing the Web in Building a Corpus-Based Hypernymy-Hyponymy Lexicon with Hierarchical Structure for Arabic