hypogean 相关例句
Actinomycetes in Hypogean EnvironmentsIt's a Wonderful Hypogean Life: A Guide to the Troglomorphic Fishes of the WorldThe nature of biodiversity in hypogean waters and how it is endangeredComparative Ecology of Epigean and Hypogean Crayfish (Crustacea: Cambaridae) from Northwestern FloridaHigh biodiversity in hypogean waters and its endangerment - The situation in Slovenia, the Dinaric Karst, and EuropeMolecular and morphological systematics of hypogean schizomids (Schizomida : Hubbardiidae) in semiarid AustraliaLong-term fasting and realimentation in hypogean and epigean isopods: a proposed adaptive strategy for groundwater organisms.Biomediated Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate Metastable Phases in Hypogean Environments: A Short ReviewComparative study on the behavioral, ventilatory, and respiratory responses of hypogean and epigean crustaceans to long-term starvat...Behavioral, Ventilatory, and Metabolic Responses to Severe Hypoxia and Subsequent Recovery of the Hypogean Niphargus rhenorhodanensi...