icebergs 相关例句
tip of the iceberg冰山一角;事物的表面部分
iceberg lettuce卷心莴苣;球叶莴苣
Beyond Icebergs: Towards a Theory of Biased GlobalizationGrounding Pleistocene icebergs shape recent deep-water coral reefsFree-drifting icebergs: hot spots of chemical and biological enrichment in the Weddell SeaExploring the Icebergs of Adult Learning: Findings of the First Canadian Survey of Informal Learning Practices.Catastrophic ice shelf breakup as the source of Heinrich event icebergsEvidence for massive discharges of icebergs into the North Atlantic ocean during the last glacial periodScale-dependent impact on diversity of Antarctic benthos caused by grounding of icebergsSSM/I sea ice remote sensing for mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interaction analysis : Ice and icebergsMelting of Ice in Sea Water: A Primitive Model with Application to the Antarctic Ice Shelf and IcebergsEpigenetic risks related to assisted reproductive technologies: Epigenetics, imprinting, ART and icebergs?