ICFTU 相关例句
ICFTUThe ICFTU and Trade Unions in the Developing Countries: Solidarity or Dependence?The ICFTU and Trade Unions in the Developing Countries: Solidarity or Dependence?Internationalism in Eclipse: The ICFTU after Two DecadesConflict Within the ICFTU: Anti-Communism and Anti-Colonialism in the 1950sTrade Unions and the ICFTU in the Age of Developmentalism in Brazil, 1953—1962International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)Liberal Workers of the World, Unite? The ICFTU and the Defence of Labour Liberalism in Europe and Latin America (1949-1969)An Empirical Analysis of International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) Annual Surveys