英:[ɪdə'ni:ɪtɪ] 美: [ɪdə'niɪtɪ]
idoneity 相关例句
VERIFYING SYSTEM OF THE IDONEITY FOR CIRCULATING OF A VEHICLEIncidence, tendency to crime in Subject with psychophysic doubt requirement for the driving license idoneity in psychodiagnostic[Hearing loss and idoneity--the segnalation of noise-induced hearing loss hearing Loss].Como medir la idoneidad cualitativa en una poblaciónAutomatic license plate recognition system integrated in an electronic toll collection systemReflections on the Fable of the Caliph, the Ten Architects and the PhilosopherChapter 1. Opening RemarksDielectric study of the glass transition of PET/PEN blendsGenetic variation and use of provenances of Pinus sylvestris in Spain: application of Allue's phytoclimatic modelsA HIPERMEDIA MODEL FOR AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING