in anger 相关例句
- It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.
他批评以前的同事,并非出於气愤而是为他惋惜。 - He stamped (his foot) in anger.
他气得直跺脚。 - The cat arched its back in anger.
那只猫气得拱起了腰。 - She screamed (out) (at me) in anger.
In Anger
Gender differences in anger expression: health implications
Characteristics of eating in anger, fear, sadness and joy
Hedonic and Instrumental Motives in Anger Regulation
Figurative Language in Anger Expressions in Tunisian Arabic: An Extended View of Embodiment
[Quarrels with interns. Retirement in anger against a new employment contract]
Don't look at me in anger! Enhanced processing of angry faces in anticipation of public speaking
Characteristics of Eating in Anger , Fear , Sadness and Joy Institute for Psychology ( I ), University of Wu
Differences in anger expression between individuals with and without headache after controlling for depression and anxiety.
Self-control in hyperactive boys in anger-inducing situations: effects of cognitive-behavioral training and of methylphenidate.