英:['ɪndɪkæn] 美: ['ɪndɪˌkæn]
indican 相关例句
IndicanIndicanindicanThe Bactericidal Properties of Indican and their Significance for the Organism.Synthesis and Application of Starch-alkyl-indican Surface Active AgentsRemoval of the protein-bound solutes indican and p-cresol sulfate by peritoneal dialysisA method for the determination of urinary indoxyl sulphate (Indican)β‐Glucosidase‐Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Indican from Leaves of Polygonum tinctoriumThe effect of change in type of intestinal bacteria on urinary indican and phenolsDetermination of indican, isatin, indirubin and indigotin in Isatis indigotica by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tand...A new HPLC-ELSD method to quantify indican in Polygonum tinctorium L. and to evaluate beta-glucosidase hydrolysis of indican for ind...Development of a highly efficient indigo dyeing method using indican with an immobilized β-glucosidase from Aspergillus nigerStudies on the pathogenesis of uremia comparatie determinaions of glucuronic acid, indican, free and bound phenols in the serum, cer...