indigenousness 相关例句
chinese indigenousness中国本土
indigenization and indigenousness本土化与本土
Theaim of the Synodconsisted inenabling thechurch to get ridof thecontrolof theforeignmission,and thereby toestablishanddevelopindigenousnessand united church in its proper sense.
Indigenousness in AfricaIndigenousness and IndigeneityChapter 10. Indigenousness and IndigeneityIndigenous People in Asia: Indigenousness and Self-DeterminationIndigenousness in Africa: A contested legal framework for empowerment of 'Marginalized' communitiesThe Maori of Tourist Brochures Representing IndigenousnessStudy on Indigenous Innovation and the Measurement of Indigenousness Degree of InnovationBetween Global Flows and Local Dams: Indigenousness, Locality, and the Transnational Sphere in Jharkhand, IndiaAuthenticating Strategic Essentialisms: The Politics of Indigenousness at the United NationsMULTIDIMENSIONAL TRADITION - NATIVE YOUNG PEOPLE AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION OF INDIGENOUSNESS IN BRAZILIAN AMAZONIA