infant school
英:[ˈinfənt sku:l]
infant school 基本解释
复数:infant schools
infant school
n.British school for children aged 5-7
infant school 相关例句
- At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names.
Dimensions of temperament in infant school children.Behaviour problems in the infant school.CHILDREN'S DIFFICULTIES ON STARTING INFANT SCHOOLCan Starting Summer-Born Children Earlier at Infant School Improve Their National Curriculum Results?Self-Initiated Corrections in the Speech of Infant-School Children.The English Infant School and Informal Education.TEACHER EXPECTATIONS IN INFANT SCHOOL: ASSOCIATIONS WITH ATTAINMENT AND PROGRESS, CURRICULUM COVERAGE AND CLASSROOM INTERACTIONSamuel Wilderspin and the infant school movementNursery and Infant School Play Patterns: sex‐related differencesUsing LOGO with Infant School Children