infolder 基本解释
vt.= enfold
infolder 相关例句
Carton closure infolderINFOLDER ITEM Preliminary Report: Emergency Permit Holders Earning Teaching Credentials in CaliforniaReplaceable sliding cover unit for folder in folder-type portable phoneA. R. Farrant 2008. . 76 pp. + map in folder. Keyworth: British Geological Survey. Price £12.00 (paperback). ISBN 9780 85272 576 4...Status of paddy insect pests and their natural enemies in rainfed ecosystem of uttara kannada District and management of rice leaf f...Extraction Method of Frequent File Access Patterns based on Relative Position in Folder TreeImage processing system storing received image data in folder, image processing method, and storage mediumDesign of Tiny Programming Language PPL13pl in Folder Programming EnvironmentThe Demo Programs in Folder Assignment4Metadata in folder :. 2014 .: