in good hands 相关例句
- The document it in good hands.
文件掌握在可靠人的手里。 - It should not take him long to recover from his illness, for he is in good hands.
In good handsIn Good HandsIn Good HandsThe heart is in good hands.In good hands? The importance of teacher qualityThe heart is not always in good hands.In good hands: The history of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 1894-1994The future of the MN hygienic stock of bees is in good hands![The physician and his tax adviser. Are you in good hands?]Are you in good hands?Ribavirin with interferon for hepatitis C in dialysis patients: efficacious and safe in the right patients in good hands.[KNMVD sees veterinary court decision about internet pharmacy Medpets in good hands].In good hands: Preparing research-skilled graduates for the early childhood profession