英:[ɪn'meʃ] 美: [ɪn'meʃ]
inmesh 相关例句
INMESH: An Interactive Program for Numerical Grid generationGeometric Design Rule Check of VLSI Layouts inMesh Connected ProcessorsDeadlock-Free:FaultTolerantWormhole Routing inMesh basedMassivelyParallelSystemsTissue engineering: A new approach in cardiovascular surgery; Seeding of human fibroblasts followed by human endothelial cells on re...Fault-tolerant routing with non-adaptive wormhole algorithms in mesh networksA Method for Router Table Compression for Application Specific Routing in Mesh Topology NoC ArchitecturesFault-TolerantWormholeRoutingwith2VirtualChannelsinMeshesThe Forcer Concept and Express Route Planning in Mesh-Survivable NetworksDistributed Fault Location in MESH Optical NetworksConfiguring a wireless mesh network of communication devices with packet message transmission, and routing packet message transmissi...