英:['aɪədɪzəm] 美: ['aɪədɪzəm]
iodism 相关例句
IODISMIodismIODISM[Vegetating iodism].Iodine, iodides, and iodismFatal Acute Iodism after BronchographyACUTE IODISM FOLLOWING LIPIODOL BRONCHOGRAPHYSuspected cutaneous iodism in a horse.IODINE POISONING AND IODISM FROM LIPIODOLSEVERE FEBRILE IODISM DURING THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISMPrevention of iodism in bronchography by use of ACTH; case report[Case of iodism complicated with severe airway stenosis due to pharyngolaryngeal edema]Use of cortisone by mouth in prevention and therapy of severe iodism.