艾萨克笑声希伯来语男 Isaac 以撒: 旧约中犹太人始祖亚伯拉罕的儿子。 Isaac Newton 艾萨克•牛顿: (1642~1727),英国数学家和物理学家,阐明了物理学的万有引力定律,发明了微积分。
Isaac[ 'aizək ]
n.(Old Testament) the second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah who was offered by Abraham as a sacrifice to God; father of Jacob and Esau
Isaac 相关例句
isaac newton艾萨克·牛顿(英国物理学家和数学家以及天文学家)
The son whom Sarah bore to him,Abraham named Isaac. 亚伯拉罕把儿子看书名叫以撒。
Also a photo of my cat named Isaac. 也会看到一张名叫以撒我的猫的照片。
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC): rationale and methods.The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase Three: a global synthesis.Phase II of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC II): rationale and methodsISAAC Steering Committee. Worldwide variations in the prevalence of asthma symptoms: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies...International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) fase II: metodología y resultados de participación en España ☆Are asthma and allergies in children and adolescents increasing? Results from ISAAC phase I and phase III surveys in Münster, GermanyWorldwide variation in prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and atopic eczema: ISAACComparison of responses to an asthma symptom questionnaire (ISAAC core questions) completed by adolescents and their parents. SCARPO...Prevalence of asthma symptoms in Latin America: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC).Worldwide variation in the prevalence of asthma symptoms : the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)