iucd 相关例句
- However, perforation of the colorectum by an IUCD is extremely unusual.
Postpartum IUCD reference manual.Ovarian pregnancy and IUCD use in a defined complete populationPneumococcal peritonitis associated with an IUCDMechanism of action of intra-uterine devices (IUCD).Preventing IUCD-related pelvic infection: The efficacy of prophylactic doxycycline at insertionRates of IUCD discontinuation and its associated factors among the clients of a social franchising network in Pakistan.Endometrial adenocarcinoma following the insertion of a Mirena IUCDAcceptability and discontinuation of Depo-Provera, IUCD and combined pill in Kenya.Nucleotide sequence of the iucD gene of the pColV-K30 aerobactin operon and topology of its product studied with phoA and lacZ gene ...Construction and biochemical characterization of recombinant cytoplasmic forms of the IucD protein (lysine:N6-hydroxylase) encoded b...