ive 基本解释
释义[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 艾夫来源于诺曼底人名+日耳曼语,含义是“紫杉弓,弓”(yew,bow);
ive 相关例句
A Simple Sequentially Rejective Multiple Test ProcedureThe role of frustrative nonreward in noncontinuous reward situations.A Stagewise Rejective Multiple Test Procedure Based on a Modified Bonferroni TestTightening the iron cage: Concertive control in self-managing teams.Kleinberg, J.: Autoritive success in a hyper linked environment. J. ACM 5, 604-632Postingestive Feedback as an Elementary Determinant of Food Preference and Intake in RuminantsVentral striatal control of appetitive motivation: role in ingestive behavior and reward-related learningThe taxonomic significance of fermmentative versus oxidative metabolism of carbohydrate by various Gram-negative bacteria. Journal o...Rhétorique dynastique ou mémoire des “bons empereurs” dans les cités africaines aux iiie-ive sièclesN O N I N VAS I V E P OSIT IVE - P RE SSURE VE NT IL ATION VS . MECH A NIC A L V ENTIL ATION IN AC UTE RES PIRATORY FA ILUR E A COMP...