ivy league 相关例句
- He is a member of the Ivy League.
他是长春藤联合会的一员。 - I very such doubt that young man's being the genuine Ivy League article.
我很怀疑那个年轻人不是真正的常青藤大学的人。 - Several Ivy League teams play each other regularly each year.
几个常青藤联合会的球队每年都要定期进行比赛。 - The manager was young, Ivy League, and hoping for an early vice-presidency.
Ivy LeagueIvy LeagueIvy LeagueGetting to the Ivy LeagueGunning for the Ivy LeagueGunning for the ivy league (vol 319, pg 148, 2008)Don't Look to the Ivy League: Money and the UniversitiesGetting to the Ivy League: How Family Composition Affects College ChoiceIvy League Liberal Elitism Will Make Sarah Palin President - How Only Union Organizing Can Prevent ItElite destinations: pathways to attending an Ivy League universityBecoming Gentlemen: Women's Experiences at One Ivy League Law SchoolA Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey From the Inner City to the Ivy League"Difficult yet rewarding": The experiences of African American graduate students in education at an Ivy League institution.