雅各布愿上帝保佑希伯来语男 Jacob 雅各: 旧约中亚伯拉罕的孙子,以撒的儿子,犹太人的祖先之一。 Francois Jacob 弗朗索瓦•雅各布: (1920~),法国生物化学家、分子生物学家,因提出信使核糖核酸和操纵子理论,获1965年诺贝尔生理学及医学奖。
Jacob[ 'dʒeikəb ]
n.French biochemist who (with Jacques Monod) studied regulatory processes in cells (born in 1920)
同义词:Francois Jacob
(Old Testament) son of Isaac; brother of Esau; father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel; Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, so God gave Jacob the new name of Israel (meaning `one who has been strong against God')
Jacob 相关例句
For two more weeks, Mother clucked and held Jacob. 在随后的两星期里,妈妈笑着,抱着雅各布。
Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass. 雅各布担保了他的驴子,他并没有打赌他的屁股。
Dynamics of fluids in porous mediaStatistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral SciencesA coefficient of agreement for nominal scales.In Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavior Sciences (Revised Edition)Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (Revised Edition)Dynamic of Fluids in Porous MediaA potential decline in life expectancy in the United States in the 21st century.The Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral SciencesLempel, A.: A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 23(3), 337-343Fuzzy methodology.