jaywalks 相关例句
用作不及物动词(vi.)- Drivers routinely overtake on the right, taxis breeze through red lights, cyclists ride against the traffic and pedestrians jaywalk.
开车人常常从右侧超车,出租车闯红灯,骑自行车逆行,行人乱穿马路。 - Pedestrians have to travel farther to cross the street legally unless they want to jaywalk.
Love Jaywalks: Poems From The Novel Waking Up At RembrandtsThe Drive to Indy : Offbeat Pollard Jaywalks around the RodmanesqueSeparating the wheat from the chaff; JAYWALK'S NEW PARADIGM.(Brief Article)Salt-induced and salt-suppressed proteins in tomato leaves.16 – Attitudes to walking and cyclingLETTERSPedestrian behavior and safety at signalized intersectionsPedestrian crashes during jaywalking, can we afford to overlook?Burgess Chews on Singapore | The TyeeA Profitable Platform: BNY Jaywalk Puts a New Face on Independent Research