Jekyll and Hyde
英:[ˌdʒekl ən ˈhaɪd]
Jekyll and Hyde 基本解释
Jekyll and Hyde
n.someone with two personalities - one good and one evil
Jekyll and Hyde 相关例句
- I'd never have expected him to behave like that; he's a real Jekyll and Hyde.
Jekyll and HydeJekyll and HydeJekyll and HydeTumour microenvironment: TGFbeta: the molecular Jekyll and Hyde of cancer.TGF beta: the molecular Jekyll and Hyde of cancerThe inflammatory macrophage: a story of Jekyll and HydeAllen M, Jones LJekyll and Hyde: the role of the microenvironment on the progression of cancer. J Pathol 223: 162-176Mast cells: the JEKYLL and HYDE of tumor growthMolecular subtypes of bladder cancer: Jekyll and Hyde or chalk and cheese?Hydrogen peroxide: a Jekyll and Hyde signalling moleculeThe Jekyll and Hyde functions of caspasesThe Inflammation|[ndash]|Fibrosis Link? A Jekyll and Hyde Role for Blood Cells during Wound RepairJekyll and hyde: two faces of cannabinoid signaling in male and female fertility.