Jenks 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- I thought I'd have to talk to old Mrs Jenks all evening,until John came along and let me off the hook.
AXIOM: the scientific computation systemTheorizing childhood紧缩城市:一种可持续发展的城市形态The data model concept in statistical mappingSpatial Ecology of White-Tailed Deer Fawns in the Northern Great Plains: Implications of Loss of Conservation Reserve Program Grassl...Survival of white-tailed deer in an intensively farmed region of MinnesotaEvolution of HIV-1 coreceptor usage through interactions with distinct CCR5 and CXCR4 domainsACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE URBAN FORMAchieving sustainable urban formThe Tabby Phenotype is Caused by Mutation in a Mouse Homologue of the EDA Gene that Reveals Novel Mouse and Human Exons and Encodes ...