n.a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)
同义词:Jesus of Nazareththe NazareneJesus ChristChristSaviorSaviourGood ShepherdRedeemerDeliverer
Jesus 相关例句
jesus christ耶稣基督
society of jesus n. 耶稣会
The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. 第二天,耶稣决定去加利利。
They give their flesh as offerings as Jesus did. 他们就像耶稣基督那样奉献出自己的血肉之躯。
Kant's jesusJesus & the riddle of the Dead Sea scrolls :Stations of the Cross & Jesus PsalterPersonality of Jesus in the Talmud. | The Monist | Oxford AcademicMeeting Jesus again for the first time: the historical Jesus & the heart of contemporary faithA Scientific Search for Jesus, Part I: The Birth Chart and Astromological Patterning of Jesus of QumranWar: What If Christians Took Jesus at His Word?: http://bit.ly/fV69oh This is a good time of the year to ask this question.Why We Know So Little About Moses and Jesus: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-We-Know-So-Little-Abou-by-Bernard-Starr-Belief_Bib...Robert ATWAN - George DARDESS - Peggy ROSENTHAL (eds.), Divine inspiration: The Life of Jesus in World Poetry, Oxford University Pre...Explicationes in partem primi libri artis P. Emmanuelis Alvari e Societate Jesus De nominvm generibus, ac de Verborum Præteritis & ...