joint probability
英:[dʒɔint ˌprɔbəˈbiliti] 美: [dʒɔɪnt ˌprɑbəˈbɪlɪti]
joint probability 基本解释
joint probability
n.the probability of two events occurring together
joint probability 相关例句
- The multivariate extremal theory and the establishment of joint distribution of extreme wind speed and wave height based on this theory are introduced.
介绍了多变量极值理论及在其基础上建立风速和有效波高的极值联合概率分布的方法。 - We shall discuss conditional probability first, because the concept of joint probabilitlies is best illustrated by using conditional probabilities as a basis.
Joint ProbabilityJoint ProbabilityJoint ProbabilityJoint probability model for statistical machine translationJoint probability distribution of structure factors and the phase problemHidden Variables, Joint Probability, and the Bell InequalitiesPHRASE-BASED JOINT PROBABILITY MODEL FOR STATISTICAL MACHINE TRANSLATIONA phrase-based, joint probability model for statistical machine translationColor object detection using spatial-color joint probability functionsA Bayesian joint probability modeling approach for seasonal forecasting of streamflows at multiple sites.