Kabar 相关例句
apa kabar你好吗
surat kabar报纸
Kabar Aye Paya世界和平塔
Stethorus Siphonulas Kabar腹管食螨瓢虫
Apa Kabar Villas 你好别墅 ; 阿帕卡巴度假别墅
kabar ki pehli raat上次读的书
Kabar Era Pakatan民联时代报
Kabar Ma Kyay Bu我们不会忘记
surat kabar mingguan周报
"Hegreetedmewith'apakabar,BapakPresiden' (How are you Mr.President)influentIndonesian,"Yudhoyonowas quoted as saying by the Koran Tempo daily.
《可兰日报》援引苏西洛的话说:“他在电话中用流利的印尼语问候我‘近来可好,总统先生?’ ('apakabar,BapakPresiden)”。
IJMS, Vol. 16, Pages 18033-18053: Hepatitis C in Special Patient Cohorts: New Opportunities in Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis, End-St...MicroRNA-101 inhibits human hepatocellular carcinoma progression through EZH2 downregulation and increased cytostatic drug sensitiv...Some morphological and anatomical observations during alleviation of salinity (NaCI) stress on seed germination and seedling growth ...Effects of Some Plant Growth Regulators on Leaf Anatomy of Radish Seedlings Grown Under Saline ConditionsAlleviation of Salinity Stress by Plant Growth Regulators on Seed GerminationEPIBRASSINOLIDE ON SALINITY STRESS INDUCED INHIBITION OF SEED GERMINATION, SEEDLING GROWTH AND LEAF ANATOMY OF BARLEYCirculating microRNA-200 Family as Diagnostic Marker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.351 Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Radiofrequency Ablation (EUS-RFA) for Cystic Neoplasms and Neuroendocrine Tumors of the PancreasHepatitis B and C in liver transplantation: new strategies to combat the enemiesEffect of kinetin and gibberellic acid in overcoming high temperature and salinity (NaCl) stresses on the germination of barley and ...