场景1:询问电话号码(Asking for a phone number)
A: Richard? Do you have the number for that Chinese restaurant on the corner?
B: Yeah, hold on a second. I’ve got it in my office. Here it is. 553-2213.
A: 553-2213. Great, thanks.
B: No problem. Pick me up something to eat too, please.
场景2:问询客户信息(Asking for a client’s information)
A: When would you like me to send those plans over to your office, Mr. Hunt?
B: It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon, Ms. Barkley.
A: That shouldn’t be a problem. What is the exact address, again?
B: 7880 Crofton Avenue, Building 40A, Room 304.
场景3:对话的结尾表达( Ending a conversation)
A: Well, I’d better get back to work. I’ve got a ton of stuff on my desk!
B: Me too. I’ll see you after work, huh?
A: Yeah, definitely. I was hoping to catch a ride with you.
B: Sure. Meet me at five.
场景4:终止对话(Finishing a conversation)
A: All right then, Ms. Hunt. I’ll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon.
B: Great. That will give me time to talk with my staff before I make final decision.
A: That’s what I was thinking. I’ll have them there by Thursday.
B: Good news. Thanks for getting things done so quickly.
场景5:销售对话( Ending a sales talk)
A: Well, I’m glad I had a chance to see these samples, but I’m really not in a position to make a decision right now.
B: Would you like me to leave the samples with you?
A: Yeah, why don’t you do that, and then you can give me a call sometime next week.
B: Fine, Mr. Grant. Thanks for your time. I’ll talk to you next week.
场景6:询问截止日期( Asking about deadlines)
A: Hi, Mark! I was wondering if you finished that presentation you were working on last week?
B: Just about. It should be done in the next couple of days. Why?
A: Mr. Rod was asking me about it yesterday.
B: I’ll give him a call.
场景1:商务会面( Making a sales appointment)
A: Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week.
B: Hmm. I’m pretty booked up this week. Let’s move it up to next week.
A: Fine, Mr. Emory. Would next Monday at 4:00 o’clock be all right for you?
B: Let me take a look. All right, that’s no problem. See you then.
场景2:培训预约(Training appointment)
A: Paul, can I set up a time with you to go over the training manual?
B: Sure. Let me just grab my calendar. All right. I’m free all day Tuesday and Thursday morning.
A: Tuesday morning is good for me. How about 10:30 in my office?
B: Okay. Sounds good. See you then.
场景3:必要的会议(A mandatory meeting)
A: Paul? I need to work out a time to get together with your people.
B: Does everybody need to be there? Hilary and Jason are on vacation this week.
A: It would be best if everybody could be there. How about next week sometime?
B: Let me take a look at the schedule. I’ll get back to you this afternoon, all right?
场景4:员工会议(Setting up a staff meeting)
A: We’re going to need everybody’s input on this project. So I’d like to fix a time to meet next week and hear what you all have to say.
B: I’d prefer to meet in the morning. I’m going to be out of the office most afternoons next week.
A: I don’t have any problem with that. Let’s set it up for 9:30 Wednesday morning. We can carry it over to Thursday if we need to.
B: That’s fine. What do the rest of you think?
BEC全称Business English Certificate,也就是我们俗称的商务英语证书。这项考试是由教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年开始举办的考试。BEC分为初级、中级和高级三个级别,如果英语基础较好,可以直接考高级,下面小编为大家分享高级商务英语的考试流程?一起来看看吧!一.高级商务英语的考试流程...