谷歌将于当地时间10月29日上午10时在纽约召开发布会,目前已经向各大媒体发出邀请函。谷歌并未明确此次发布会的具体内容,不过风格采用了Google Now的界面。邀请函如上图,依然保持了谷歌的“小清新”风格。
同日微软也将围绕新款操作系统Windows Phone 8在旧金山市举行发布会,不得不说这必将成为谷歌咽喉的一根刺。此外,微软同时还需要所有的WP8设备使用同样的平台及界面,这将减少WP8智能机之间的差异。
沪江小编:科技界在10月真是好戏连台!先有苹果要发布ipad mini,又有谷歌和微软选择同一天发布新的操作系统。说是无意为之恐怕没有人相信,但大家都很期待两大巨头的强势碰撞,新产品的出现不仅为公司带来收益,也会让消费者有更好的产品体验。你更看好哪一方呢?欢迎发表你的看法>>>
1. 操作系统 operating system
Is your copy of that operating system genuine?
2. 智能手机 smart mobile phone
The Apple-Motorola collaboration is the latest step in the increasing convergence between so-called smart mobile phones and music players.
3. 界面 interface
At the same time, interface standards also benefit software vendors.
同时, 界面标准也有利于软件开发商。
4. 平板电脑 tablet
The Motorola tablet's integration with TV is a key competitive advantage against rival developers.
苹果将发布ipad Mini:你的荷包准备好了吗
微软首推平板电脑Surface 挑战苹果霸主地位
As of today, customers will begin to see the company's new trademark throughout Microsoft's websites and on new TV ads. The new corporate symbol will also gradually...
Published reports say Microsoft is in talks to buy Yammer, a company that develops private social networks for companies.Bloomberg News and The Wall Street Journal, citing people fami...
Microsoft Corp unveiled a revamped, Facebook-friendly version of its free, online email service on Tuesday in an attempt to reverse market share losses to Google Inc's fast-growing Gmail....
欧盟(European Union)近日针对微软公司(Microsoft Corporation)长达10年的反垄断(anti-monopoly)调查作出最终判决,微软因垄断被罚款(fine, penalty)8.6亿欧元(约合68亿元人民币),比之前要求的减少了3900万欧元(约合4684万美元)。此前判决中,欧盟法...