
摩根大通高管投资巨亏辞职 奥巴马评价华尔街必须改革

Ina Drew, the chief investment officer at JPMorgan Chase and one of the top women on Wall Street, resigned today in the wake of  the firm’s $2.3 billion in-house trading loss.

JPMorgan said in a statement today that Matt Zames, currently co-head of Global Fixed Income in the Investment Bank and head of Capital Markets within the Mortgage Bank, will take on Drew’s role. The bank is very strong and well capitalized, CEO Jamie Dimon said in the statement.

Drew, 55, for the past seven years had led the trading division at the bank. A trader known as the “London Whale” Bruno Michel Iksil is also said to be leaving.  Drew, who made $14 million last year, offered to resign after the disclosure of the firm’s loss May 10, which could top $4 billion.

“Ina Drew has been a great partner over her many years with our firm. Despite our recent losses in the CIO, Ina’s vast contributions to our company should not be overshadowed by these events,” Dimon said in the statement.

The executive in charge of the London desk that executed the bungled trades, and the team’s managing director are the other two executives expected to leave the firm, AP reported.

President Barack Obama discussed JPMorgan Chase's $2 billion loss on Monday, saying the bank's massive failure proves why Wall Street reform is necessary.

"JPMorgan is one of the best-managed banks there is," Obama said during an interview on ABC's "The View", which will air on Tuesday. "Jamie Dimon, the head of it, is one of the smartest bankers we got, and they still lost $2 billion and counting."

"We don't know all the details," Obama said. "It's going to be investigated, but this is why we passed Wall Street reform."


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