① Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you.你好,很高兴见到你。
②Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you today?
③Thank you for taking the time to meet with us.
④I appreciate the opportunity to discuss our proposal.
⑤Let me begin by introducing our team.
表达意向(Expressing Intentions)
①We are interested in exploring a potential partnership.
② Our goal is to establish a mutually beneficial collaboration.
③We are open to discussing various options for collaboration.我们愿意讨论合作的各种选择。
④ lt is our hope to reach a mutually satisfying agreement.
⑤We aim to find a solution that meets both of our needs.
询问对方意见(Seeking Opinions)
① What are your thoughts on our proposal?你对我们的提案有什么看法?
② How do you envision this collaboration benefiting both parties?你认为这种合作如何能使双方受益?
③ Could you share your perspective on the proposed terms?你能分享一下对提议条款的看法吗?
④What would be your preferred timeline for implementation?你对实施的时间表有什么偏好?
⑤ Do you have any concerns or reservations about our proposal? 对我们的提案有什么担忧或保留意见吗?
提出建议 (Making Suggestions)
①Perhaps we could consider a phased approach to implementation.或许我们可以考虑分阶段实施的方式。
② I suggest we schedule regular progress meetings to keep everyone informed.我建议我们安排定期的进展会议,以保持大家的信息同步。
③How about exploring alternative solutions to address this challenge?我们考虑探讨一些替代方案来解决这个挑战,如何?
④It might be beneficial to involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process.让关键利益相关者参与决策过程可能会有益。
⑤ I propose that we conduct a thorough market analysis before finalizing the agreement.我建议在最终达成协议之前进行彻底的市场分析。
谈判条件(Negotiating Terms)
①We are flexible on the payment terms and are willing to discuss alternatives.我们在付款条件上具有灵活性,并愿意讨论替代方案。
②Could we revisit the pricing structure to find a mutually agreeable arrangement?我们能否重新审视价格结构,以找到一种双方都同意的安排?
③l understand your concerns, and I propose we make some adjustments to address them.我理解你的担忧,我建议我们做一些调整来解决它们。
④Let's negotiate the delivery schedule to ensure it aligns with both parties' expectations.让我们就交付进度进行谈判,以确保与双方的期望保持一致。
⑤ Is there room for flexibility in the contract duration?合同期限是否有灵活性的余地?
明确目标(Clarifying Objectives)
① Can we outline the specific goals we aim to achieve through this collaboration?我们能否明确我们通过这次合作想要实现的具体目标?
②I would like to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the end objectives.我希望确保双方对最终目标有清晰的理解。
③ What benchmarks do you propose for measuring the success of this partnership?你提议用什么标准来衡量这次合作的成功?
④ Let's align our expectations to ensure we are working towards the same outcomes.让我们调整期望,确保我们朝着相同的结果努力。
⑤ Could we prioritize the key objectives to streamline our focus?我们能否优先考虑关键目标简化我们的关注点?
就合同条款进行讨论(Discussing Contract Terms)
就合同条款进行讨论(Discussing Contract Terms)
① I'd like to discuss the specific terms outlined in the contract proposal.我想讨论合同提案中列出的具体条款。
② Are there any non-negotiable terms from your perspective?从你的角度来看,有哪些条款是不可谈判的?
③ Let's go through the contract clause by clause to address any concerns. 我们逐条审查合同,以解决任何疑虑。
④ It would be helpful to clarify the responsibilities outlined in the agreement. 澄清协议中规定的责任会很有帮助。
⑤I propose we finalize the contract with the agreed-upon amendments. 我建议我们根据达成的共识对合同进行最终确定。
引导讨论方向(Guiding the Discussion)
①Let's steer the conversation towards a more constructive direction.让我们把对话引导向一个更建设性的方向。
② I suggest we focus on the key issues at hand to make our discussion more productive.我建议我们专注于手头的关键问题,使我们的讨论更有成效。
③ Can we direct our attention to finding common ground and areas of agreement?我们能否把注意力放在找到共同点和达成一致的领域?
④ To move forward, let's explore areas where compromises can be made.为了向前推进,让我们探讨可以做出妥协的领域。
⑤ It might be beneficial to narrow down our focus and prioritize the most crucial aspects.缩小我们的关注范围,并优先考虑最关键的方面可能会有益。
寻求妥协 (Seeking Compromise)
① I believe there's room for both parties to make concessions in order to find common ground.我相信双方都有让步的余地,以找到共同点。
② Let's explore a middle ground that addresses the concerns of both parties.让我们探讨一个中间立场,解决双方的顾虑。
③ I propose a compromise that meets halfway between our initial positions.我提议一个妥协方案,介于我们最初立场之间。
④Are there specific areas where you see potential for compromise?有没有你认为可以妥协的具体领域?
⑤ Finding a middle path may be key to reaching anagreement that satisfies both parties.找到一个中间路径可能是达成令双方满意的协议的关键。
强调互惠关系(Emphasizing Mutual Benefits)
① It's important for both parties to see the mutual benefits of our collaboration.对双方来说,看到我们合作的互惠关系是很重要的。
② Let's ensure that the proposed agreement creates value for both sides.确保提议的协议对双方都创造价值。
③ Emphasizing a win-win outcome will contribute to the success of our partnership.强调双赢的结果将有助于我们合作的成功。
④ I believe that a mutually beneficial arrangement is key to a long-lasting partnership.我相信互惠互利的安排是建立长久合作关系的关键。
⑤ We should strive to create a partnership that brings advantages to both parties involved.我们应该努力创建一个对双方都有利的合作伙伴关系。
以积极的态度开始和你正在进行商务谈判的人可能会是你的商务竞争者。要和竞争者进行有效果的商谈重要是是之前积极的语气,建立互相能克服差别的信心。例如,"The United States and Russia, England and France, and Germany an...
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商务谈判常用语1. 集思广益,慎重选择。卓越的谈判者会通过营造一个氛围来鼓动大家统一成一个整体,集思广益共同探索有潜力的解决方法。只有符合双方共同利益的选择才可取,而此过程并非是顺利的。let's brainstorm to see if we can come up with a solution for both of us . 让我们开动脑筋,看看我们是否能...
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