:v.1.围住,卷起 2. 拥抱
例如:The mother was enfolding her baby in her arms. (母亲把婴儿抱在自己怀里。)
s:v. 使全神贯注
例如:He seemed completely engrossed in his book. (他好像完全被他的那本书迷住了。)
e:v. 增加,提高
例如:The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it. (城市的发展常常会提高其附近的地价。)
:n. 神秘莫测的人或事物 adj:enigmatic
n:v. 使活泼,使有生气
例如:The otherwise dreary book is enlivened by some very amusing illustrations. (这本枯燥乏味的书幸亏加了一些精彩的插图才变得生动有趣。)
:n. 仇恨,敌意
:v. 激怒,使狂怒
例如:I was enraged to find they had disobeyed my orders. (发现他们违抗了我的命令, 我极为恼火。)
ce:v. 使自己定居在安全(秘密等)的地方
例如:We have ensconced ourselves in the most beautiful villa in the south of France. (我们在法国南部最美丽的别墅里安顿下来。)
le:n. 1.合唱团 2.全体,总效果
:v. 接着发生,随之而来
例如:A warm debate ensued. (接着是一场热烈的辩论。)
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