onate:v. 扮演,模仿
例如:I ought to be arrested for impersonating an officer.(我假冒警官应该被捕。)
inent:a. 粗鲁的
例如:Don’t you get impertinent with me!(你竟敢对我无礼!)
ous:a. 轻率的,冲动的
例如:She revealed her feelings in impetuous displays of spending.(她冲动地任意挥霍显露了她的感情。)
s:n. 推动,促进
s:a. 不恭的,不虔诚的
例如:Will an impious christian be punished by god.(不虔诚的基督徒会受上帝惩罚吗?)
able:a. 难以平息或安抚的
例如:There is implacable hatred between the two nations.(两国之间有无法消除的仇恨。)
t:v. 注入,灌输
例如:Early experiences can implant fears in the subconscious.(早年的经历会在下意识中埋入恐惧感。)
it:a. 1. 含蓄的,不明确的 2.绝对的,无疑问的
A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.(士兵必须绝对服从他的长官。)
e:v. 恳求,哀求
例如:He implored forgiveness for what he had done.(他乞求宽恕他过去所做的事。)
or:n. (冒充他人的)骗子
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