


     The earliest libraries existed thousands of years ago in China and Egypt wh ere collections of records on tablets of baked clay were kept in temples and roy al palaces. In the western world, libraries were first established is Ancient Gr eece. For example, Aristotle once had a research library in the 3rd century B. C

.  The first library in the Unites States was a private library, which could only b e used by authorized readers. In 1633, John Harvard gave money and more than 300 books to a newly-established college in Massachusetts. In return for his genero sity, the legislature voted the school be named Harvard College. The librarian t here set rules for the new library. Only college students and faculty members co uld use the books. No book could be lent for more than one month. 

        The earliest public library was established in Philadelphia in 1731. Although th is library was open to every one, all readers had to pay a membership or subscri ption fee in order to borrow books. Very few subscription libraries exist today.  Some book and stationary stores maintain small rental libraries, where anyone m ay borrow books for a daily charge. The first truly free public library that cir culated books to every one at no cost was started at a small New England town in  1833. Today, there are more than 7,000 free public libraries throughout the US.  They contain about 160 million books which were circulated to over 52 million r eaders.

      Historically, the major purpose of free public libraries was educational. They were expected to provide adults with the opportunity to continue their educ ation after they left school. So the function of public library was once describ ed as “less reservoir than a fountain”. In other words, emphasis was to be pla ce d on wide circulation rather than on collecting and storing books. Over the year s public library services have greatly expanded. In addition to their continuing and important educational role, public libraries provide culture and recreation , and they are trying to fill many changing community needs. Most libraries offe r browsing rooms where readers can relax on comfortable chairs and read current newspapers and magazines. Many also circulate music records. Library programs of films, lectures, reading clubs, and concerts also attract library users.  In addition to books, records, periodicals, and reference material, libraries pr ovide technical information such as books and pamphlets on gardening, carpentry and other specialized fields of interests. The largest public library in the US is the Library of Congress. It was originally planned as the reference library f or the federal legislature. Today in addition to that important function, it ser ves as the reference library for the public, and sends out many books to other l ibraries on inter-library-loan system.

     Unlike free pubic libraries, which open to everyone, private libraries can be u sed only by authorized readers. Many industrial and scientific organizations and  business firms have collections of books, journals and research data for their staffs. Several private historical associations have research collections of spe cial interest to their members. In addition, many elementary and secondary schoo ls operate libraries for use by students and teachers. Prisons and hospitals mai ntain libraries too.  The largest and the most important private libraries are operated by colleges an d universities, and axe used by students, faculty members, and occasionally by v isiting scholars. Many universities have special libraries for research in parti cular fields, such as law, medicine and education. Recent surveys report that me re than 300 million books are available in these academic libraries and they are regularly used by over 8 million students.


(I: Interviewer N: Nancy)

I: Hello, Nancy, I know you are one of a few women taxi drivers in the c ity now, and you drive for a living. What made you want to be a common taxi driver in the first place?

N: I took pride in driving well, even when I was young for I have to wait until I have a car to learn to drive. When I finally learned, it was something I reall y enjoyed and still enjoy. I remember how smart those taxi drivers have seemed driving so well, and dressed so neatly in their uniforms. I thought I’d like to do that myself.

I: You really enjoy driving, I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?

N: Eh, altogether 12 years.

I: Mm, it’s been quite some time already, hasn’t it?

N: Yeah.

I: Then, what did you find the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver?

N: I can still remember when I was first learning to drive. It was scary I didn ’ t know yet how to judge distance. And when a big truck came near, it seemed like  a wheel was just coming right over me. Anyway, soon I learned to judge distance . I began to look ahead, stopped worrying about trucks and about what was moving  on either side.

I: In your opinion, what does it take to become a good taxi driver?

N: Eh, besides driving well, the most important thing to a taxi driver needs to know is the streets and I know the city well because I have lived in it for a long time. I know all the main streets, and even the side streets. And of course, you ha ve to keep updating your knowledge of the streets because the city changes. Ther e might be a new road appearing somewhere one day.

I: Now, what about annual leaves? Do you have them?

N: Oh, yes. When I first started, I had only 10 days. Now I have 3 weeks every y ear with pay.

I: Just out of curiosity. When you go on vacation to another place or city, do y ou drive there as well?

N: In most cases, not. I prefer to be driven by others if I go by car. I would a lso prefer to go by train or plane, if there is a choice. I have already had too  much driving in my life, so when I’m on holiday, I just want to relax.

I: Oh, I see. Let’s come back to your work. Are there any unpleasant aspects in  your job?

N: The only serious difficulty in this work is that it’s sometimes dangerous to drive at night. But you have choices, and I always choose to work days rather than at night.

I: What’ s the best part of your job?

N: I soon found that what I like best about the job was being outdoors, seeing h ow this city changes from season to season. And there are places of scene I woul d probably never have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I li ke to leave the window down in a fine rain, and, and when I have a long drive, m aybe end-of the day, I sometimes go pass my home to tell my two little children I’ll be home soon, when they always want to come along in my car.

I: Do they? I guess kids all like to be taken for a ride sometimes.

N: Yes, but you can not take any all along, and thus they pay or you pay for the m. So I’ve to pay their fares one of these days, and take them out in my taxi, b ecause I really think it is fun out into the country side on the long drive, wit h the fresh air and sun shining. You just seem to want to drive for ever. At lea st that is how it’s for me.

I: Being a taxi driver, you have to meet all kinds of people. How do you feel ab out that?

N: I enjoy meeting many different people. I might not have met some of them if n ot for this job. I learned a lot how people behave in these years.

I: Can you tell us a bit more about it?

N: The biggest advantage is that you come across various characters in your work . Some people are interesting, some rushed, some pleasant, some funny, some talk ative, some so pressed for time that they change clothes in the taxi. Those who are in greatest rush would sometimes forget to pay.

I: Have you ever met some people who don’t like women drivers?

N: Yeah. Once a passenger really objected to having a woman driver. That I laugh ed him so much that he stopped his fussing. Although there has been one or two c ases like this, I still think most people are nice to woman drivers. So this is really an interesting part of my work.

I: Now my last question. Have you ever thought of changing your job?

N: Not yet. I might in a few years time, but not at this moment, because I reall y enjoy my work. And I do get lots of satisfaction out of it. So why should I?

I: Ok. Our interview is coming to the end. I’d like to wind up our interview by wishing you good luck in your job. Thank you very much for your time, Nancy.

N: Pleasure.


News Item 1(For Question 11)

     President Clinton has renewed his attacks on the American tobacco industry. Accusing of using delaying tactics to block anti-smoking legislation, the US co ngress is considering a bill which will place tight restrictions on tobacco adve rtising and impose penalties on tobacco companies if they continue to sell cigar ettes to children. Mr. Clinton said, it was a fight with the lives of the Amer i can children, and he urged congress to move ahead with the bill. But a spokesman f or one of the big tobacco companies called the legislation totally unreasonable, and he said the process had become wholly politicized.

News Item 2(For Questions 12-13)

      The French President Jacques Chirac is to discuss the efforts to stimulate Japan’s economy during his visit to Japan which begins today. The French P r esident is no stranger to Japan. He’s visited the country 40 times before and t h is will be his second visit as President. Mr. Chirac will hold summit talks wit h Japanese Prime Minister next Monday. He is expected to discuss efforts to boos t Japanese economy as well as investment by Japanese companies in France. He’ll also meet the Emperor and Empress at a luncheon on Tuesday. But perhaps the event that will draw most attention is the launch of a-year-long festival of French ar t and culture in Japan. A replica of Arch de Triomphe that usually stands in Pad s has been transported to Tokyo Bay for the festival. And Mr. Chirac will unveil  it. The festival includes films, theatrical performance, dance and exhibitions,  as well as promotions for French food and wine, both of which are very popular in Japan.

News Item 3(For Questions 14-15)

      Officials of the World Food Program (WFP) say they are receiving informati on that famine has great part of central Afghanistan. WFP officials say as the w inter’s snow begins to melt and high mountain paths begin to clear, local leade r s and international aid workers are reporting some people are dying of starvatio n. Officials say a major disaster affecting hundreds of thousands of people may be in the making. The Taliban are blocking food deliveries to central Afghanista n. The UN has warned for several months that more than one million people are su ffering from blockade and 160,000 face starvation. An emergency air-lift of food to central Bombay province was cancelled earlier this year when the Taliban bom bed the local airport. WFP officials say the existing food stocks in that area a re exhausted and an emergency effort will be launched to bring wheat and potatoe s into the area.


      Good morning. Today I’d like to discuss with you the secrets of good conv ersation, that is, how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

      When someone tells you that you have to give a speech, your response may b e ”I’ve got to do what? But it’s important to remember that speeches are like an ything else in life there’s always a “first time”. People, even those who are  wo nderful talkers in a conversational setting, are often terrified over the prospe ct of giving their first speech. Some are scared about it no matter how many spe eches they have given before. I suspect you may have the same experience, or hav e seen others in similar situations. I give speeches many times a year to groups of every possible description. My secret is simply that I think of public speak ing as no different from any other form of talk. It’s a way of sharing my thoug h t with other people. You know, in one sense, it’s actually easier than social c o nversation because you are in complete control of where the talk is going. At th e same time you have to have something to say, of course. This leads us to the f irst key of being a successful public speaker: Talk about something you know abo ut.

     The second key to being a good speaker is to follow the motto of the Boy Sc outs-Be well prepared. Never go to a speech without some prior work on it. If yo u are talking about a subject you know well, as I’ve just advised, preparing th e  speech itself should not be too difficult. If you let the audience know where y ou’re going at the beginning, they will follow you more easily through the body of your speech. At the end of your speech, try to summarize your most important points in slightly different words from the ones you used in your opening.

      Here are some other key tips based on my own speaking experience and what I’ve noticed in other good speakers. Look at your audience. I’ve already said ho w important it is to make eye contact. First, be sure to look up from you text o r notes. Second, don’t talk to the wall in the back, or to the window or to the side. They are not your audience. Each time you look up from your text, look at a different part of the audience, so the whole group feels they’re being addres s ed. Note the pacing and inflection you want to use in speech. Some speakers, if they’re reading from a complete text, underline the words they want to emphasiz e . If you are using an outline or notes, highlight ideas or phrases you should st ress in your speech with different-colored pen or something. This accomplishes t wo things: It guarantees that your emphasis will be where you intended it to be, and it assures your audience that you won’t be speaking in a dull monotone tha t will put them to sleep, especially if you’re talking after a heavy meal. Stand up straight. I don’ t mean that you have to assume a parade ground posture, but stand in a comfortable, natural way rather than hunching over the lectern. Hunch ing constricts your breathing, and it makes you look bad as well. If there’s a m icrophone in front of you, adjust it to the right height rather than forcing you rself to stoop during the speech. If you can, check this out before it’s your t u rn to speak. Talk normally into the microphone. If you speak at a high volume in to it, you will actually be harder to hear. And be careful to keep your mouth in the range of the mike; don’t wave around or turn away to answer a question fro m the side. 

     Last but not the least, a speaker has to keep in mind the value of brevity.  It’s not easy to be brief, especially on a topic you know a lot about. But in a ny kind of communication, it’s always worth taking the time to boil your messag e down to its essentials. That emphasis on brevity applies even more when you are delivering a speech. The show business expression “know when to get off” come s into play again. And the best public speakers always know when. Some of the long est speeches ever inflicted on the American public have been the inaugural addre sses of their presidents. However one of the shortest inaugural addresses is als o one of the best remembered and most often quoted. It was delivered on January 20,1960 by John F. Kennedy. Kennedy spoke for less than 15 minutes. We can learn  from these speakers, whose ability to talk effectively was central to their suc cess, as is the case with so many successful people in every profession. Brevity  is the first thing we can learn from them. If people like Kennedy are willing t o keep it short to maximize their effectiveness as speakers, we should be smart enough to do the same thing.

      To sum up, I’ve mentioned several key points in becoming a successful pub l ic speaker, such as good preparation, audience awareness, brevity, etc. I hope y ou find them very useful in making your speeches effective. Thank you.






【详细解答】由谈话可知,哈佛投资建成了美国的第一所私人图书馆,但是“The librarian there set rules for the new library.”故答案选B。




【详细解答】在介绍建于1731的第一所公共图书馆时,谈话者说“Although this library wa s open to every one, all readers had to pay a membership or subscription fee in order to borrow books.”由此可知,所有借书者必须交纳一定的会费,故答案选D。   




【详细解答】这四个选项在录音中都提到了,但是“comfortable reading rooms”只是图书 馆提供的服务,不是建立的目的,故答案选A。




【详细解答】解答本题的关键句是“Unlike free pubic libraries, which open to everyon e, private libraries can be used only by authorized readers.”由此可知,私人图书 馆只供特定的读者阅读,而公共图书馆则面向所有的读者。故答案选A。




【详细解答】这段录音是对美国的私人图书馆和公共图书馆作比较,介绍了不同类的图书馆的 功用。故答案选C。





【详细解答】采访者一开始就问南茜这个问题,她的回答是“…even when I was young for I have to wait until I have a car to learn to drive.”由此可知,当一名司机是南茜 儿时的梦想,故答案选D。




【详细解答】解答本题的关键句是“It was scary I didn’t know yet how to judge distan ce.”这就是她所说到的难事,故答案选B。




【详细解答】当采访者问到她工作的最大优点时,南茜说道“I like best about the job wa s being outdoors, seeing how this city changes from season to season. And there are places of scene I would probably never have seen in another job.”由此可知, 她非常喜欢车窗外的各种景色。故答案选B。




【详细解答】当采访者说她的孩子们一定喜欢经常坐她的车时,南茜的回答是“So I’ve to p ay their fates one of these days, and take them out in my taxi, because I really  think it is fun out into the country side on the long drive, with the fresh air and sun shining. You just seem to want to drive for ever. At least that is how it’s for me.”由此可知南茜是一位对孩子非常慈爱的母亲。故答案选C。




【详细解答】南茜说她喜欢接触不同个性的人,如“Some people are interesting, some ru shed, some pleasant, some funny, some talkative, some so pressed for time that t hey change clothes in the taxi.”由此可知,她所遇到的人个性各不相同。故答案选D。


News Item 1




【详细解答】本题可从克林顿的话中得出答案,“It was a fight with the lives of the A merican children,…”即制定禁烟法是为了保护儿童。故答案选D。

News Item 2




【详细解答】新闻首句说“The French President Jacques Chirac is to discuss the effo rts to stimulate the Japan’s economy during his visit to Japan which begins toda y.”因此答案选C。


【问句译文】这是Jacques Chime第几次访问日本?


【详细解答】根据新闻中:“He’s visited the country 40 times before and this would be his second visit as President.”由此可知,他以前曾访问过40次,那么这次即是第4 1次。


News Item 3




【详细解答】解答本题的关键句是“The Taliban are blocking food deliveries to centra l Afghanistan.”由此可知,是由于塔利班封锁食品发放所造成的。故答案选C。




【详细解答】新闻中说“The UN has warned for several months that more than one mill ion people are suffering from blockade and 160,000 face starvation.”故答案选A。



1.答案:talk    

【详细解答】有人害怕演讲,于是讲话者根据自己的经验说“My secret is simply that I t hink of public speaking as no different from any other form of talk.”

2.答案:share    

【详细解答】只要听清关键句“It’s a way of sharing my thought with other people.” 就可知道此处应填原形动词share。

3.答案:subject    

【详细解答】根据关键句“If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I’ve just advised, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.”这里说的 是自由决定演讲的主题(subject)。

4.答案:knowledge    

【详细解答】在谈到如何取得演讲的成功时,第一要点是“Talk about something you know about.”也就是要掌握“knowledge of the subject matter”。


【详细解答】录音中说“If you let the audience know where you’re going at the begin ning, they will follow you more easily through the body of your speech.”这句话 告诉了我们演讲一开始就告知听众主题“theme/idea”的重要性。

6.答案:speaking 

【详细解答】录音中谈到如何取得演讲成功的其他要点时说“Note the pacing and inflecti on you want to use in speech.”即要注意演讲语速(the speed of speaking)的变化。

7.答案:comfort 

【详细解答】录音中提到要调整麦克风的高度,“If there’s a microphone in front of yo u, adjust it to the right height rather than forcing yourself to stoop during th e speech.”这样做的目的是为了让你在演讲过程中感觉舒服(comfort)。

8.答案:short 

【详细解答】录音中谈到如何取得演讲成功的最后一点时说“Last but not the least, a sp eaker has to keep in mind the value of brevity.”这里的brevity意为shortness,即t ry to make your message short。

9.答案:shortest    

【详细解答】录音中谈到如何取得演讲成功的最后一点时举例说“However one of the short est inaugural addresses is also one of the best remembered and most often quoted .”由此可知,此处应填写shortest。 


【详细解答】谈话者以美国总统肯尼迪的著名演讲仅用时15分钟为例,旨在说明演讲要尽量简 洁。即简洁是成功(success)的关键。

1.答案: the
【详细解答】本句中的most为副词,修饰形容词obvious,意为“十分,非常”,由于obvious 不是最高级形式,故不用定冠词the。
【详细解答】as opposed to为固定搭配,意为“与……对照,与……相比”。
【详细解答】根据句意,这里的方式(way)是对他人有误导,不是被他人误导。所以应该用m islead的现在分词表示主动的含义。
【详细解答】far away from意为“距离某处很远”,而far from being则意为“远不是,远 够不上”。根据上下文,这里是说“远非毫无意义”,故应该用短语far from being。
【详细解答】by no means为固定搭配,意为“丝毫不,绝不”。
【详细解答】such as是常见表达方式,用来举例说明。
【详细解答】a number of 意为“大量的”,应修饰可数名词复数形式。

阅读理解 A

【详细解答】短文第一段首句说“Despite Denmark’s manifest virtues, Danes never talk about how proud they are to be Danes.”由此可知,丹麦人对他们的国家持谦虚态度, 故答案选B。
【详细解答】短文第二段第二句说“…and despite all the English that Danish absorbs — there is no Danish Academy to defend against it — old dialects persist in J utland that can barely be understood by Copenhageners.”由此可知,丹麦是一个在语 言上有容忍性的国家,故可排除选项C;下一句接着说“It is the land where, as the sa ying goes,“ Few have too much and fewer have too little, ”and a foreigner is str uck by the sweet egalitarianism that prevails,…”由此可知丹麦社会是个人人平等的 社会,故可排除选项B;由本段最后一句“It’s a nation of tireless planner. Trains r un on time. Things operate well in general.”可知,丹麦是个有秩序守时的国家,故 可排除选项D。文中并没有提到丹麦人喜欢外国文化,故选项A为正确答案。
【详细解答】工商部长在讲话中说到丹麦是世界上最干净,最有秩序的国家,没有污染,没有 犯罪与贫穷等等,作者并没有直接地表达自己的态度,而是列举了一些与该部长谈话相反的 社会现象,由此可知,作者是持怀疑的态度,故答案选D。
【详细解答】短文第四段中说到“Orderliness is a main selling point.”由于丹麦缺乏自 然资源,井然有序的社会秩序对该国经济发展起到重要作用,故选项C为正确答案。
【详细解答】由本段第三句“The rules of the welfare system are clear to everyone,… ”,可排除选项A;由第二句中的“…you shouldn’t feel bad for taking what you’re e ntitled to,…”可排除选项B;由最后一句“the orderliness of the system makes it p ossible for the country to weather high unemployment and social unrest without a sense of crisis.”可排除选项C。本段并没有提到“井然有序的社会秩序有可能减轻失业 问题”,故答案选D。
【详细解答】短文第三段在谈到自信类的人时说“…who therefore do not feel they need worry much about their use of English. Their education and occupation make them confident of speaking an unimpeachable form of English: no fear of being critici zed or corrected is likely to cross their minds, and this gives their speech tha t characteristically unselfconscious and easy flow which is often envied.”由此 可知,自信类的人总是泰然自若、无所畏惧的样子,故答案选D。
【详细解答】短文第五段第三句说“They live their lives in some degree of nervousnes s over their grammar,…”第六段第二句说“Their lot is also the open or veiled co ntempt of the ‘assured’on one side of them and of the “indifferent” on the oth er.”由此可知,内外受困使得焦虑类的人成为不幸者,故答案选B。
【详细解答】短文最后一段首句说“It is all too easy to raise an unworthy laugh at t he anxious.”这些人可能会在语言方面花费过多的精力,以致被英语的各种形式所困扰。 作者认为这些做法是不明智的。故答案选D“不合理的,荒谬的”。
【详细解答】短文第二段首句中说“…it should be reflected that the real snob is Coo ke himself, who has spent a lifetime disguising them.” 这句话表明作者对于库克放 弃英国护照的做法是持批评态度,认为这一点是不能容忍的,故答案选C。
【详细解答】短文第一段描写的是库克过90岁生日的盛况,由此可知库克相当有名,故可首先 排除选项D;短文最后一段第二句说“His arrogance in not allowing BBC editors to se e his script in advance worked, not for the first time, to his detriment.”由此 可知他的傲慢个性,故可排除选项C;这里接着说“His defenders said he could not hel p living with the 1930s values he had acquired and somewhat dubiously went on to cite “gallantry” as chief among them.”由此可知他是一位保守人物,故可排除选项A ;全文没有提到他的“真诚”一面,故答案选B。
【详细解答】文中在谈到库克的事业成功给予了肯定。而当谈到他的国籍、婚姻、军队中性犯 罪、为人处事等问题时,作者提出了极其严厉地批评。故选项C“尖锐的,讽刺的”为正确 答案。
【详细解答】短文第一段第三句说“The whole narrative of her death revolted him and it revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held sacred. ”这里两次用到revolt(厌恶,反感)一词,因此答案选A。
【详细解答】短文第一段第四句说“The cautious words of a reporter won over to conce al the details of a commonplace vulgar death attacked his stomach.”由此可知选项 C“谨慎的”为正确答案。
【详细解答】短文最后—段提到,当Duffy先生坐在房间里回想与“她”的往事的时,“He be gan to feel ill at ease. He asked himself what else could he have done. He could not have lived with her openly. He had done what seemed to him best. How was he to blame?”从这里我们可以看出他处于一种自责、懊悔的情绪之中。故选项D“懊悔的” 为正确答案。
【详细解答】短文第一段第四句说“…he had ever spoken to her of what he held sacred .”,由此可知他曾经十分信任她,故可排除选项A。第六句说“Not merely had she degra ded herself, she had degraded him.”这表明他感到非常羞耻,故可排除选项B;该段还 提到Duffy先生和“她”发生了一次激烈的争吵,于是他提出分手,最后一句说“He had no difficulty now in approving of the course he had taken.”这表明是Duffy先生想要 结束他们之间的关系。故答案选项C。
阅读理解 B

【详细解答】快速阅读全文,便知谈的是学校教育。短文第二段比尔·盖茨说道“Get the be st education you can. Take advantage of high school and college. Learn how to le arn.”故这篇短文主要讨论的是“教育的重要性”。
【详细解答】这篇文章从三个方面论述了伦敦地位的重要性:重要的港口城市、最大的制造中 心以及国内国际商贸中心。在回顾伦敦历史的同时,又提到伦敦的现状。故选项D为正确答 案。
【详细解答】短文第一段最后一句首先引出话题“The very existence of paper copy has b een brought into question once more.”接着文中从四个方面论述了网络技术给印刷业所 带来的影响。故答案选A。
【详细解答】本文先介绍的是Owen先生的书的内容,指出了值得肯定的方面,接着谈到书中的 不足之处。作者知识客观地去评论。故答案选B。
【详细解答】短文第二段第二句说“For a couple of years in the 1960s, Willcox said, the table of contents was shifted to the back cover.”,由此可知,时间为二十世纪 六十年代。
【详细解答】短文第三段第三句说“Publishing industry executives and Wall Street ana lysts have criticized the magazine for failing to attract the next generation of readers.”由此可知,不能吸引年青人是其受到指责的原因。故答案选A。
短文大意:本文主要介绍的是Oxford Wordfinder(OWF)这部字典的诸多优点。
【参考译文】OWF与Longman Activator这两部字典的词汇怎样?
【详细解答】短文第二段开头说“The OWF is based upon similar lines to the ground br eaking Longman Activator in that words in each dictionary are not simply listed in alphabetical order.”由此可知,这两部字典除了按字母表顺序排列单词之外,还根据 词意、用法的异同排列。故答案选A。
【参考译文】要查到一个意为“boiling with a low heat”的词,你可能首先翻到第几页?
【试题分析】本题为细节题。 详细解答短文第四段第二句说“Let’s say the learner wishes to know the correct wor d for “boiling with a low heat”. The intermediate learner, who will probably beg in her search under “Cook” on page 99,…”由此可知,正确答案为B。
【详细解答】首先快速查找有关“Dutch or French”的文字,发现它在Language skills中, 由此可知,这些学生可能要接受语言培训。故答案选C。
【详细解答】快速查找programmes项,可分别查到选项A、C和D,只有选项B没有提到,故为正 确答案。


     The first-generation museums in the world are museums of natural history. W ith fossils and specimens they introduce to people the evolution of the earth an d various living organisms on it. The second-generation museums are those of ind ustrial technology. Fruits of various stages of industrial civilization are on d isplay here. Although these two generations of muslins have played the role of s preading scientific knowledge, they regard visitors as passive spectators.
     The world’s third-generation museums are full of completely new concepts. H ere visitors can carry out operations and careful observations themselves. In th is way they come closer to advanced achievements in science and technology so as to probe their mystery.

Education as a Lifelong Process
     When education is mentioned, we can easily think of school, colleges and yo ung people. In fact, education is so important in modern society that it can be viewed as a lifelong process.
     First, it’s the requirement of fast-developing society, to accept education despite of your age. Our world is changing dramatically with the development of new science and technology. A person who completed his education at school in 7 0s or 80s may have encountered new problems when he is working now. The problems  might have something to do with his major or other aspects. For example an acco untant now must master the skills of accounting through computers, which is the basic tools for him, so he should also learn how to apply his job in a computer.  No matter how old is he.
     Secondly, education creates human character and moralities. Through educati on, youth may learn how to make contributions to the world. And the old may lear n new things to enrich their lives. Through education, a healthy person can beco me stronger and a disabled person can have a new hope on his life. Man can find great pleasure by accepting education.
     Thirdly, our modem society has provided everyone the chance to accept educa tion. As long as you wish you could get education by attending night-schools, ad ult colleges, training centers and even long-distance education through Internet and TV.
     In one word, knowledge is limitless. And life is limited. So education is a lifelong process.
improviser  即兴诗人,即兴演讲者,即席演出者
distributor  发行人
stratification  层化,阶层的形成
downright  明白的,明显的
frenzy  狂暴,狂怒
adherent  信徒,追随者,拥护者
benighted  愚昧的
jeopardize  危害
persist in  坚持
creep into  开始发生于,溜进……
drop out of  退出……,不参与……
cut out  切掉, 取代, 停止
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