

umbrella n. ①an arrangement of cloth over a folding frame with a handle, used for keeping rain off the head伞 ②a protecting power保护的力量,保护伞
【典型例句】 When he wasn't looking, she hung the handle of her    umbrella  over the attendant's wrist, and walked away quickly.趁他不注意,她把雨伞柄挂在管理员的手腕上,很快地走开了.

villa  n. a pleasent house with a garden, esp. one in the country or used for holidays别墅,

formulan. ①a genenal law,rule,fact,etc., expressed in a short form by means of a group of letters,signs,numbers,etc. 公式;方程式;分子式 ②a list of the chemical substances used in making a medicine,a fuel,a drink,etc.,sometimes also including a description of how they are to be mixed 配方,处方 ③a method or set of principles used for gaining a particular result 准则;原则;方案

peninsula  n. a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water半岛

drama  n. play  for the theatre , radio or TV ; series of exciting events   剧本,
戏剧; 戏剧性事件或场面

panorama  n. ①a complete view over a wide area风景的全貌,全景照片 ②不断变化的景象
近义词:scenic, view, scenery, prospect, overview
【典型例句】 This book gives a    panorama  of life in England 400 years ago.

cinema  n. ①theatre in which films are shown  电影院 ②motion pictures as an art-form or an industry  电影艺术;电影事业

diploma n. certificate awarded for passing an examination , completing a course of study , etc   毕业证书,文凭
【作者建议】  diploma 通常指大学"毕业证书, 文凭,学位证书". 小学、中学"毕业证书"和"某种"资历合格证书"则多用certificate . diploma 后接介词in , 表示某学科的毕业证书.在美国,中学的毕业证书,即文凭, 有时也可用diploma, 而其肄业证书有时可称certificate 或certificate of attendance .

banana n. long, yellowskinned fruit; the tree on which it grows香蕉,香蕉树
【作者建议】 常用搭配:peel a banana剥香蕉皮;a band of banana一簇香蕉

arena  n. central part, for games and fights of a Roman amphitheatre; (fig) any scene of struggle古罗马斗技场中央竞技和搏斗的地方;(喻)任何

China  n.中国
china  n. baked and glazed fine white clay ; articles made from this    陶器;瓷器
【常用词组】 china closet  放置或展示瓷器杯皿的橱柜

algebra n. branch of mathematics using signs and letters to represent quantities代数,代数学

zebra n. an African animal looking like a horse with back and white lines all over its body斑马
【常用词组】 zebra crossing涂成斑马纹的人行横道

era n. period in history, starting from a particulartime, or event纪元,时代,代
举例一番,可见一斑! a new era新时代;the Christian era公元,基督纪元
【词义辨析】 epoch也指新时代,新纪元,强调某件事所带来的划时代意义,多用mark an epoch in..."开创一个新纪元".time指"时期",age"年代",这些词只用指于表达普通意义的时间.

camera   n. apparatus for taking still photograph or (film / movie~)moving pictures or (TV ~)
for receiving light images and transforming them for broadcasting live or for receiving on video tape   照相机,电影摄像机
【常用词组】 go into camera (法官)入私室商议 / in camera 在法官的私室里 / on camera 在摄制中 / a camera crew 电影(电视)摄影组

opera  n. a musical play in which many or all the words are sung歌剧
派生词:operatic a. 歌剧的,似歌剧的;operatically adv. 歌剧式地;operatize vt.将 …改编成歌剧/复合词:operacloak n. 夜礼服,女披风;operagoesr n. 经常赴歌剧院者

orchestra n. a large group of musicians who play music for combinations of different instruments管弦乐队

orchard n.果园;orchestra n.管弦乐队

extra  . for which an extra charge is made额外的事物 ‖ adv. more than usually; in addition特别地,非常地,除外

extra 除了作adj.,还可作adv.用来修饰adj.,意为"特别地,尤其",相当于especially.

visa  n. an official mark put onto a passport giving a foreigner permission to enter, pass through or leave a particular country签证【常用词组】 an entry visa入境签证 / an exit visa出境签证

data   n. (pl of  dadum) facts; things certainly known资料,材料
【常用词组】  data bank资料库 / data processing资料处理 / data phone数据电话 / data sheet数据表

influenza  流行性感冒

cab n. ①vehicle (now usu motorised =taxicab) that may be hired for short journeys出租汽车;计程车 ②part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc for the driver火车机车内供司机所坐之处;(公共汽车、卡车等之)司机室

lab n. short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室

crab  n. ten-legged shellfish ; its flesh as food   螃蟹,蟹肉
派生词:crab apple (口)脾气坏的人;crabbed adj. 潦草的,难懂的;crabber n. 捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabby  adj.   易怒的,好抱怨的;crablike   adj.  似蟹的,似蟹行的; crabwise    adj. (常为僵硬或笨拙的方式)横向的,蟹行般的
cab   n.
①vehicle (now usu motorised =taxicab) that may be hired for short journeys出租汽车;计程车
②part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc for the driver火车机车内供司机所坐之处;(公共汽车、卡车等之)司机室
lab  n. short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室
crab   n. ten-legged shellfish ; its flesh as food   螃蟹,蟹肉
构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:crab apple (口)脾气坏的人;crabbed adj.潦草的,难懂的;crabber n. 捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabby  adj.   易怒的,好抱怨的;crablike   adj.  似蟹的,似蟹行的; crabwise    adj. (常为僵硬或笨拙


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