






Pain can cause aggression. When two rats in the same cage were given foot shocks, they attacked each other immediately. In addition, stronger shocks resulted in more violent aggression. Pairs of various other animals reacted similarly. A stubbed toe or a headache has been known to cause similar responses in humans.




Everyone has heard of accounts, salespeople, and lawyers. But have you ever heard of a kiss mixer or a belly builder? Most jobs have common titles, but there are also many unusual position titles. A kiss mixer, for instance, is the person who mixes the ingredients for candy kisses. And a belly builder is the individual who assembles and fits the inside parts of pianos.




A couple’s daughter had just graduated from college. So they were not surprised when a florist’s truck pulled in front of their house. However, they were surprised when they saw that the dozen red roses were addressed to them. The card read, “Thanks, Mom and Dad, for making this day possible. I could not have done it without your love and support.” In an unusual switch, the graduate had given her parents a graduation gift.



Dental research on rats may lead to chocolate that’s good for you. In one study, researchers found that rats who ate chocolate candy high in fat and casein got 71 percent fewer cavities than those who ate sugar or fudge alone. In a follow-up study, rats were fed chocolate candy that had an even greater amount of casein, a milk protein. The rats then got almost no cavities at all. Because of this research, one company may develop a chocolate candy that’s healthy for your teeth.

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