Your university has enough money to purchase either computers for students or books for the library. Which should your university choose to buy-computers or books? What is your recommendation?
Computers Are More Important Than Books
From my standpoint, I would vote for the purchase of computers instead of books for the following reasons.
First, in order to keep abreast of the digital era, every university should be equipped with an adequate number of computers. Students should also be taught the basics of computer science so that they will not lag behind. The importance of computer skills is evidenced by the fact that most companies require their prospective employees to be proficient in commonly used software, such as Microsoft Office. Secondly, the creation of e-books has rendered traditional books obsolete at least to some extent. Students can download even audio books via the Internet and the rich variety ensures that each individual can procure what he or she desires. Lastly, it is unrealistic to keep the university library up to date owing to the rapid development of modern society. Therefore, the university should allocate its limited financial resources to purchase computers which enable students to keep up with the latest development via the aid of the Internet.
All in all, admittedly, one should not belittle the importance of books. After all, books have been employed as a major means to disseminate knowledge. Nonetheless, the inexorable trend of computerisation in the 21st century renders it imperative for universities to be equipped with computers as well as other multimedia devices. (221 words)
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