



  Nowadays, there is awidespread concern over (the issue that)_________________. In fact, there areboth advantages and disadvantages in X. Generally speaking, it is widelybelieved there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,_________________________. And secondly _________________________。

  Just As a popular sayinggoes, "every coin has two sides", X is no exception, and in anotherword, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _____________________. Inaddition, ______________________________。

  To sum up, we should tryto bring the advantages of X into full play, and reduce the disadvantages tothe minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a betteruse of the X。


  X now plays such animportant part in so many people’s lives that _____________________. Obviously,X has both advantages and disadvantages。

  As is often pointed outthat, X makes us know ________________ so that __________________. In addition,_________________________. Yet here again, there is a danger. The main problemwith it is that _______________________________. It is criticized on thegrounds that it contributes to ______________________. Besides, _________________________。

  In any case, whether theultimate of X is good or not, one thing is certain that __________________. Itis the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society。


  X has many advantages. Inthe first place, ____________________________. Second,___________________________. Third, ____________________________. For all theseadvantages, it is really worthwhile to _________________________________。

  However, just aseverything has two sides, there are some disadvantages in _______________. Themost serious problem is ________________________. Besides,__________________________。

  Therefore,given an opportunity to ______________________, one must consider both sides offactors carefully before making up his mind. On the whole, it is a good thingto __________________, but on the other hand, one must not lose sight into forthe advantages。


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