落马 fall from grace
强化反腐斗争 intensify anti-graft fight
标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root cause
根除滋生腐败的土壤 Dig out the soil which can grow corruption
绝不容忍腐败 (bear)zero tolerance to corruption / no tolerance to corruption
有腐必反,有贪必肃 to fight every corrupt phenomenon, punish every corrupt official
侵吞公款 embezzling public funds
收受贿赂 accepting bribes
行贿 offering bribes
贪官黑名单 fugitive blacklist
赃款 ill-gotten money( gains)
廉洁从政 clean governance
偷税 tax evasion
挪用公款 embezzlement
贪污 corruption
反腐监察小组 anti-graft inspection teams
钱权交易 trading power for money
不良工作作风 undesirable work habits
全能型政府 omnipotent government
反腐监察机构 graft watchdog
八项规定 eight regulations of austerity
公款宴请 banquets at public expense
违规使用公车 unauthorized use of government cars
开除党籍 expulsions from the party
规定出台以来since the inception
违规 offence
Corruption stands in the way of the development of the society.
We must severely punish corrupt government officials.
The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.
The greedy high official ended (up) in prison.
Taking advantage of one's posts to seek profit for others.
1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A。今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。I suggest we have a call t...
图表作文是BEC考试中常出的题型。对于如何描述图表,很多学习者常感到困难。今天小编为大家带来一些常用的描述图表的句型,一起来看看吧!At a slower rate... 以较低的速度……...
表作文是BEC考试中常出的题型。对于如何描述图表,很多学习者常感到困难。下面是一些常用的描述图表的句型,供大家参考。At a slower rate... 以较低的速度……It reflects the great differences that exist between...在……之间反应了巨大的差异These figures were ove...
你对于自己的英语水平有信心吗?如果换成商务英语考试,你的水平会打折扣吗?我们都知道词汇是学习英语的基础,如果你的单词积累不够,你将寸步难行。尤其是在考试中,商务英语考试中也对词汇的学习有所要求,下面这些商务英语高级考试中词汇及例句就分享给大家。 [例] The customer is in the system black list so we can not provi...
在英语考试中,作文也是BEC商务英语高级考试中常出的题型。对于不同类型的作文要如何书写这个问题,很多人觉得吃力困难。下面就是BEC商务英语高级考试写作常用例句,今天分享给大家,希望对于大家的图表描述写作有帮助。 商业书信常用开头语 Opening Phrases & Sentences Generally Used In Business Letters...