careful, cautious, attentive, prudent
careful : 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。
Be careful in money matters.(在钱方面要特别小心。)
cautious : 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。
A cautious driver never drives his car too fast.(一个谨慎的司机从不开快车。)
attentive : 指认真地注意地倾听别人的意见,留心别人的需要等。
The speaker likes to have an attentive audience.(演讲者喜欢注意力集中的听众。)
prudent : 指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。
A prudent man saves part of his wages.(深谋远虑的人会将一部分工资存起来。)
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
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为了方便同学们的学习,小编为大家准备了BEC高级商务写作指南:易混淆词汇辨析,希望以下内容能够为同学们的BEC商务英语听力备考提供帮助!1. raise和rise的辨析When used as a verb they both have the same general meaning of "to move upwards",...
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...