channel, strait
channel : 指比strait长而宽的海峡。
The English Channel separates England and France.(英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。)
strait : 指短而窄的海峡。常用复数形式但作单数用。
The BeringStrait separates Asia and America.(白令海峡隔开了亚洲和美洲。)
例如:Now that father's lost his job, we're in dire straits.(父亲失业了,我们陷入了极大的困境。)
chart, map, graph
chart : 指航海地图,也指图表。
The course of a ship is marked on a chart.(轮船的航线是标在航海图上的。)
map : 指标有国家大小、城市、铁路、河流、山脉、海洋等的地图。
This is a map in the scale of one-millionth.(这是一张比例尺为1比100万的地图。)
graph : 多指用纵横坐标之间关系的曲线表示两个量之间的图表。
He is drawing two graphs.(他正在画两张曲线图。)
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...
为了方便同学们的学习,小编为大家准备了BEC高级商务写作指南:易混淆词汇辨析,希望以下内容能够为同学们的BEC商务英语听力备考提供帮助!1. raise和rise的辨析When used as a verb they both have the same general meaning of "to move upwards",...
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...