class, degree, grade, rank
class : 含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。
As actress Jane is not in the same class as Susan.(作为演员, 简和苏姗不是同一层次。)
degree : 指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。也可指形容词或副词的级。
The workers show various degree of skill.(工人们表现出不同程度的技巧。)
grade : 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。
The milk is sold in grades.(牛奶分等级出售。)
rank : 指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。
The captain was promoted to the rank of major.(那上尉被提升为少校。)
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