collaborate, cooperate
collaborate : 多指文化领域中,文艺、科学等方面有明确目的合作。
Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.(两个作家合写了这部电影的脚本。)
cooperate : 指为相互支持或行动而进行的合作或协作,强调通力合作。
We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future.(希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。)
collapse, fall
collapse : 通常指房屋等突然倒塌。
The bridge collapsed under the weight of the train.(桥在火车的重压下塌了。)
fall : 一般指由于失去平衡等原因而倒塌,也可作引申用。
The enemy strongholds fell one after another.(敌方据点相继被攻破。)
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...
为了方便同学们的学习,小编为大家准备了BEC高级商务写作指南:易混淆词汇辨析,希望以下内容能够为同学们的BEC商务英语听力备考提供帮助!1. raise和rise的辨析When used as a verb they both have the same general meaning of "to move upwards",...
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...