committee, commission
committee : 既用作普通名词,也用作集体名词,指通过选举或其它方式而成立的一般委员会。
The committee has[have] decided to dismiss him.(委员会已决定辞退他。)
commission : 指为了某项任务专门成立的委员会。
The commission is made up of five people, including two women.(委员会由五人组成, 其中包括两名妇女。)
compatible, consistent
compatible : 指两个事物不仅无分歧,不互相排斥,而且可以并存,和谐地处在一起。
His ideas were not compatible with mine.(他的想法与我的不一致。)
consistent : 指各事物之间或同一物体各细节之间都能一致,不自相矛盾。
His account of what happened was consistent.(他对于所发生事情的叙述前后一致。)
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...
为了方便同学们的学习,小编为大家准备了BEC高级商务写作指南:易混淆词汇辨析,希望以下内容能够为同学们的BEC商务英语听力备考提供帮助!1. raise和rise的辨析When used as a verb they both have the same general meaning of "to move upwards",...
1.raise vs riseraise和rise的辨析When used as a...
vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two...