advice, opinion, proposal, suggestion, recommendation, view
1. advice :普通用词,侧重依据个人经验、学识和正确判断而提出的忠言。
eg: Good advice is beyond price.(忠告好, 无价宝。)
2. opinion :日常用词,泛指对某事物的想法和意见。
eg: I don't wish todebate my opinions with you.(我不想就我的看法同你辩论。)
3. proposal :指正式提出来供研究、采纳或实行的建议。
eg: They presented concreteproposals for improvement.(他们提出了具体的改进建议。)
4. suggestion :普通用词,语气比advice婉转客气,也不如proposal正式。着重为改进工作、解决困难等提出的建议,有时含所提建议不一定正确,仅供参考的意味。
eg: He made the suggestion that the political prisoners (should) be set free.(他提议释放政治犯。)
5. recommendation :指在自己经历的基础上而提出的有益建议、意见或忠告。
eg: The government has agreed to implement the recommendation in the report.(政府已同意实施报告中的建议。)
6. view :侧重指对重大的或引起公众关注的问题所持的看法和态度。
eg: I take the view that we should put less money into nuclear weapons.(我认为我们应该在核武器上少花钱。)
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